Church members openly denounced the new moderator’s anti-women ordination position

The open letter, which was addressed to the Presbyterian Church’s General Assembly, highlighted the deep disappointment and frustration felt by many members regarding the views expressed by Rev Sam Mawhinney. The signatories argued that his stance against the ordination of women went against the principles of equality and inclusivity that the church should uphold.

Church members openly denounced the new moderators anti women ordination position

Church members openly denounced the new moderator's anti-women ordination position

The letter emphasized the importance of recognizing the immense contributions that women have made and continue to make within the church community. It pointed out that women have played vital roles as pastors, theologians, and leaders, and their exclusion from ordination would be a significant setback for the progress of gender equality within the Presbyterian Church.


Furthermore, the signatories expressed concern that Rev Mawhinney’s remarks could potentially create a hostile environment for women in leadership positions. They feared that his views might embolden other clergy members to adopt similar discriminatory attitudes, undermining the progress that has been made in recent years.


The letter called upon the General Assembly to address this issue seriously and take steps to ensure that the Presbyterian Church remains a welcoming and inclusive space for all members, regardless of gender. It urged the church leadership to actively promote gender equality and to encourage the ordination of women as ministers.


In response to the open letter, the General Assembly acknowledged the concerns raised by the Presbyterian members and assured them that the matter would be thoroughly discussed and considered. They emphasized the importance of open dialogue and respectful conversations within the church community to address differing opinions and work towards a more inclusive future.


The controversy surrounding Rev Mawhinney’s views on women ministers highlighted the ongoing struggle within the Presbyterian Church to reconcile traditional beliefs with the evolving societal norms. It served as a reminder that progress towards gender equality is not always linear and requires continuous efforts to challenge and overcome deeply ingrained biases.