However, as Elisha continued his journey, he encountered a group of prophets who were witnessing his every move from a...
Bonnke's passion for evangelism led him to establish Christ for All Nations (CFAN), a ministry organization that aimed to bring...
Despite her successful career in the medical field, Toluwanimee's love for music never waned. She continued to write and record...
In Isaiah 53, the prophet Isaiah describes a figure who is depicted as a suffering servant. This servant is described...
By speaking in riddles, Samson cleverly concealed his true intentions and motives from the Philistines. Riddles were a common form...
One of the most remarkable aspects of Cho's life was his ability to build the world's largest church, Yoido Full...
1. Humility: Jesus emphasized the importance of humility, teaching that those who are meek and humble will inherit the earth....
Elijah's story begins during the reign of King Ahab, a wicked ruler who had led the people of Israel astray...
While the series draws inspiration from the Bible, the creator explained that they intentionally avoid a word-for-word adaptation. Instead, they...
In his last moments with his family, Pastor Odukoya displayed immense strength and faith. Despite the pain of losing his...