Creator of “The Chosen,” answered Voddie Baucham’s claim that the show violates the second commandment

In a recent interview, Dallas Jenkins, the creator of the hit TV series “The Chosen,” addressed Voddie Baucham’s claim that the show violates the second commandment. Baucham, a prominent Christian author and speaker, argued that the portrayal of Jesus in the series goes against the biblical commandment that prohibits making graven images or idols.

Creator of 22The Chosen22 answered Voddie Bauchams claim

Creator of "The Chosen," answered Voddie Baucham's claim that the show violates the second commandment

Jenkins, however, respectfully disagreed with Baucham’s interpretation and explained his perspective on the matter. He emphasized that “The Chosen” is not intended to replace or diminish the authority of the Bible, but rather to bring the stories and teachings of Jesus to life in a relatable and engaging way.


According to Jenkins, the purpose of the show is to create a deeper connection between viewers and the biblical characters, allowing them to better understand the humanity and divinity of Jesus. He believes that by presenting Jesus in a visual form, the series can help people relate to Him on a more personal level, fostering a stronger faith and a deeper appreciation for the Gospel.

Creator of 22The Chosen22 answered Voddie Bauchams claim that the show violates the second commandment
The Chosen

Jenkins also highlighted the extensive research and consultation with biblical scholars that went into the making of “The Chosen.” The team behind the show aimed to stay true to the biblical narrative while adding depth and context to the stories. They carefully crafted the portrayal of Jesus, ensuring that it aligns with the scriptural accounts and does not deviate from the core teachings of Christianity.


Furthermore, Jenkins emphasized that “The Chosen” has received overwhelming support from both viewers and religious leaders worldwide. Many have praised the series for its ability to bring the Gospel to life and make it accessible to a broader audience. The show’s impact has been profound, with countless testimonies of lives transformed and faith renewed.


In conclusion, while Voddie Baucham’s concerns about the second commandment are valid, Dallas Jenkins firmly believes that “The Chosen” is a faithful and respectful portrayal of Jesus and His teachings. The show’s intention is to deepen the viewers’ understanding and connection with the biblical narrative, rather than replace or distort it. As the series continues to captivate audiences and spark meaningful conversations, it serves as a testament to the power of visual storytelling in spreading the message of Christ.