How God used Yonggi Cho to teach the church about faith and prayer

Yonggi Cho, a prominent South Korean pastor, was chosen by God to play a significant role in teaching the church about faith and prayer. Throughout his ministry, Cho demonstrated an unwavering belief in the power of prayer and the importance of having faith in God’s promises.

How God used Yongi Cho to teach the church faith and prayer

How God used Yonggi Cho to teach the church about faith and prayer

One of the most remarkable aspects of Cho’s life was his ability to build the world’s largest church, Yoido Full Gospel Church, through his strong faith and reliance on prayer. Starting with just a handful of members in the early 1960s, Cho fervently prayed and believed that God would bring growth and transformation to his ministry. His faith was unwavering, even in the face of numerous challenges and obstacles.


Cho’s teachings on faith emphasized the need to trust in God’s promises and to believe that He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think. He encouraged believers to step out in faith, to dream big, and to pray with confidence, knowing that God is faithful to fulfill His word.

Yoido Gospel Church
Yoido Full Gospel Church

Yonggi Cho, Furthermore, Cho emphasized the importance of prayer as a powerful tool for spiritual growth and transformation. He believed that prayer was not just a religious duty but a means to connect with God intimately. Cho taught that through prayer, believers could tap into the supernatural power of God and experience His divine intervention in their lives.

Cho’s own life was a testament to the transformative power of prayer. He often shared personal stories of how prayer had brought healing, provision, and breakthroughs in his ministry and personal life. His teachings inspired countless individuals to develop a deeper prayer life and to trust in God’s faithfulness.

Through his ministry, Cho also emphasized the importance of intercessory prayer, encouraging believers to pray not only for their own needs but also for the needs of others and the world. He believed that prayer had the power to bring about change, not only in individual lives but also in communities and nations.

Yonggi Cho’s impact on the church’s understanding of faith and prayer cannot be overstated. His teachings and example continue to inspire believers worldwide to cultivate a strong faith, to pray fervently, and to trust in God’s power to transform lives. His legacy serves as a reminder that God can use ordinary individuals to accomplish extraordinary things when they have faith and pray with unwavering belief.