“Is Jesus Coming Back Again?” Pastor Greg Laurie preaches Christ’s second coming

Pastor Greg Laurie of Harvest Christian Fellowship in California preaches a comprehensive enumeration of significant indicators that point towards the imminent return of Christ. In a sermon delivered on July 30th, Laurie highlighted the topic of Christ’s second coming, titled “Is Jesus Coming Back Again?”.

22Is Jesus Coming Back Again22 Pastor Greg Laurie preaches

Is Jesus Coming Back Again? Pastor Greg Laurie preaches

Pastor Greg Laurie emphasized that the frequency of Christ’s imminent return mentioned in the New Testament is a clear indication of its significance. He highlighted several key signs that point towards the nearing of this momentous event.


Firstly, Pastor Laurie mentioned the escalating global unrest and the rise of conflicts as a significant sign of Christ’s return. He pointed out the numerous wars, political tensions, and social upheavals that have plagued our world in recent times. These events, he explained, align with the biblical prophecies that foretell a time of great turmoil before Christ’s second coming.

22Is Jesus Coming Back Again22 Pastor Greg Laurie preaches Christs second coming
Is Jesus Coming Back Again? Pastor Greg Laurie preaches Christ’s second coming

Additionally, Laurie drew attention to the increasing prevalence of natural disasters. He highlighted the surge in earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, and wildfires that have ravaged different parts of the globe. According to him, these catastrophic events align with the biblical predictions of “birth pains” that will intensify as the return of Christ draws near.


Furthermore, Pastor Laurie emphasized the moral decay and spiritual apathy that has permeated society. He pointed out the widespread disregard for biblical principles and the growing acceptance of immorality. Laurie argued that these signs mirror the warnings given in the New Testament, where it is stated that people will become lovers of themselves, disobedient, and ungodly in the last days.


Moreover, Laurie discussed the technological advancements that have revolutionized our world. He highlighted how the internet, social media, and global communication have connected people like never before. While acknowledging the positive aspects of these developments, he also cautioned against their potential for misuse and manipulation. Laurie suggested that these technological advancements align with biblical prophecies of a time when knowledge would increase and information would be readily accessible.


In conclusion, Pastor Greg Laurie’s sermon shed light on the key signs that indicate the imminent return of Christ. He emphasized the importance of recognizing these signs and urged his congregation to be spiritually prepared for this momentous event. While the exact timing remains unknown, Laurie encouraged believers to live with a sense of urgency, spreading the message of hope and salvation to all who will listen.