Porsche expresses regret for the omission of the insignia of Jesus in an advertising

This peculiar editing choice in the promotional video raised eyebrows and sparked curiosity among viewers. The absence of the towering Cristo Rei statue, a prominent landmark in Lisbon, left many wondering about the reasoning behind this alteration. Speculations and theories began to circulate, adding an air of mystery to the already captivating video.

Porsche expresses regret for the omission of the insignia of Jesus in an advertising

Cristo Rei statue, a prominent landmark in Lisbon : Porsche expresses regret for the omission of the insignia of Jesus in an advertising

Some suggested that the decision to remove the statue was purely artistic, aiming to create a more visually appealing composition. Others hypothesized that it might have been a licensing issue, as the statue is a copyrighted symbol and its inclusion in the video could have required additional permissions or fees.

Nevertheless, these speculations were purely hypothetical, and the underlying rationale persisted that the statue serves as an emblem of Jesus, with Porsche harbouring a deliberate aversion to any religious associations.


As the video gained traction and public interest grew, Porsche found itself at the center of attention. People eagerly awaited an official statement from the car manufacturer, hoping to shed light on the enigma surrounding the edited footage. Finally, after days of speculation, Porsche released a statement addressing the omission of Cristo Rei.


According to the company, the decision to remove the statue was not intentional but rather an oversight during the editing process. They expressed their regret for any confusion caused and assured the public that it was never their intention to alter reality or disrespect the iconic landmark. Porsche emphasized their deep appreciation for the cultural heritage of Lisbon and acknowledged the significance of Cristo Rei in the city’s skyline.


To rectify the situation, Porsche announced that they would release an updated version of the promotional video, this time featuring the majestic Cristo Rei statue in all its glory. They also expressed their gratitude to the vigilant viewers who noticed the discrepancy, as their attention to detail helped Porsche rectify the mistake promptly.


The updated video, now showcasing the 911 Porsche cars driving through the mountains with the imposing Cristo Rei statue in the background, was met with enthusiasm and praise. The public appreciated Porsche’s swift response and their commitment to portraying an accurate representation of Lisbon’s landmarks.


This incident served as a reminder of the power of observation and the importance of authenticity in promotional materials. It also highlighted the strong bond between brands and their audience, as people’s passion for the iconic Porsche cars and the city of Lisbon fueled the discussion surrounding the video.


Ultimately, this unexpected turn of events only added to the intrigue and allure of the promotional campaign. It became a memorable moment in Porsche’s history, showcasing their willingness to listen to their audience and their dedication to maintaining a genuine connection with their customers.