Revd Maria Bond will interview Apostle Tessy Erhabor on Limitless Talk Show on August 26th

On Limitless Talk Show, Revd Maria Bond will have the honor of interviewing Apostle Tessy Erhabor, a renowned minister of the gospel. The live show is scheduled to take place on Saturday, August 26th, at 10.00 AM.

Revd Maria Bond will have the honor of interviewing Apostle Tessy Erhabo

Revd Maria Bond will have the honor of interviewing Apostle Tessy Erhabo

During the interview, Revd Maria Bond will delve into the depths of Apostle Tessy Erhabor’s ministry and music career. She will explore the challenges she has faced, the triumphs she has celebrated, and the divine inspiration that fuels her creativity. Listeners can expect to gain valuable insights into the life of this extraordinary woman, as well as be inspired by her unwavering faith and dedication to her calling.


Apostle Tessy Erhabor’s ministry is truly remarkable, as she has been an instrument of God’s healing power in various areas. Her background as a Lawyer has equipped her with the skills to counsel and guide those in need.


Through her faith and obedience to God, Apostle Tessy has witnessed incredible miracles. She has been used by God to heal patients suffering from cancer, including liver, breast, and colon cancer. The power of God’s healing touch has brought hope and restoration to those who were once facing life-threatening illnesses.


But her ministry doesn’t stop there. Apostle Tessy has also been instrumental in bringing healing to those struggling with mental disorders. Through her prayers and intercession, individuals battling depression, suicidal thoughts, and mental insanity have found deliverance and freedom.


God’s power has also been evident in Apostle Tessy’s ministry to those with physical disabilities. She has witnessed the restoration of paralyzed legs, spinal cord injuries, and cases of stroke. Insomnia, a condition that robs many of their sleep, has been overcome through her prayers.


One of the most beautiful aspects of Apostle Tessy’s ministry is her ability to bring joy to barren couples. Through her prayers and God’s intervention, couples who once longed for children have experienced the miracle of parenthood. The evidence of triplets, twins, and other children is a testament to God’s faithfulness.


But Apostle Tessy’s ministry extends beyond healing and miracles. She has a heart for the less privileged and has established an outreach ministry in Nigeria. Through this ministry, she donates to orphanages and supports families in need. Her involvement in street evangelism has also led to the salvation of souls, as well as the provision of food and clothing to those in desperate situations.


In addition to her ministry work, Apostle Tessy is also a talented Gospel artist. Her newly released album, titled ‘Shalom,’ is a testament to her love for God and her desire to spread His message through music.


Despite all the incredible things God has done through her, Apostle Tessy remains humble and gives all the glory to Him. She recognizes that she is merely a vessel in God’s mighty hands, and her heart is filled with gratitude for the privilege of being used by Him.


This live show promises to be an enlightening and uplifting experience for all who tune in. Whether you are a devoted follower of Apostle Teddy Erhabor’s ministry or simply appreciate the beauty of gospel music, this interview will provide a unique opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of her journey and the impact she has made on the lives of many.


Make sure not to miss this extraordinary event on Saturday, August 26th, at 10.00 AM. Join Revd Maria Bond as she engages in a captivating conversation with Apostle Tessy Erhabor, shedding light on her ministry and her remarkable journey as a gospel artist. Tune in and be prepared to be inspired, encouraged, and uplifted by the powerful words and music of this remarkable woman.


Indeed, Apostle Tessy Erhabor’s ministry is limitless, as she continues to impact lives and bring glory to God. Her faith, obedience, and unwavering dedication to serving others are an inspiration to all who encounter her. May God continue to use her mightily for His kingdom’s sake. Amen and amen.